What we do
For over 50 years, MONAP has been at the forefront of efforts to tackle homelessness.
Monap's purpose
At MONAP we continue to work tirelessly to end homelessness and change lives for the better. Our vision is that everyone has a place to call home and can fulfil their hopes and ambitions. No two experiences of homelessness are the same. That’s what makes our holistic approach at MONAP so important, and why our range of services is so broad. Every single person we work with has their own journey into homelessness and through recovery.
Where we work
We provide support to people across almost every London borough. Our support ranges from emergency housing, opportunities to learn new skills, like our Putting Down Roots gardening programme, through to innovative accommodation projects, like Housing First.
We recently received permission to continue one of our rough sleeping services in Westminster, which has helped people to recover from homelessness in the borough for over 50 years.
With 18 services across Bristol, we provide support to people at every stage of homelessness. This includes the city’s outreach team, our rough sleeping prevention team and specialist supported housing.
Services like our Bristol Recovery College, gardening programme Putting Down Roots and our specialist mental health projects support people to move away from homelessness for good.
MONAP services in Oxford includes Outreach for people experiencing rough sleeping, with access to an Employment Support Team and the Digital Recovery College. We also run Somewhere Safe to Stay, for people who are new to or at risk of homelessness, and Housing First accommodation to provide people with a long-term home.
In Brighton & Hove, MONAP operates the largest Housing First project commissioned by any local authority in England.
Housing First is a powerful way to end homelessness. It is an internationally recognised programme designed to support people with high and complex needs who have been unable to sustain a long-term home.
Our services
Our services rebuild lives
Our services meet people where they are. They range from street outreach to emergency and long-term accommodation. We deliver skills training, like numeracy and gardening, to help people reconnect and get back to work. We also run preventative services, so people do not become homeless in the first place.
Our clients come from all walks of life and many have complex needs. Many of our services are designed with specific needs or community groups in mind, like migrants or prison leavers. All our services are gender informed. It means we can be there for the people who need us, in the way the need us.